Greetings my Grey Peoples,
All right, so apparently Grey's isn't showing a new episode until I blog something? They must be on strike or something? Two weeks, come on Shonda, you're killing us. You can't just create a Hit TV show and then take multi-breaks at such a pivotal point in the plot. Who do you think you are, "The OC?" Well just remember, that show got cancelled...But enough of my threats, let's get down to the juice. Izzy and George had sex, Izzie and George...they had sex. That is just wrong on so many levels.
McMini gets McIzzy
"No one, meaning me, needs to hear George's rendition of Sexy back at 3 in the morning"- Christina
All right, so apparently since Pluto is not a planet anymore, the world's gravity has shifted, Anna Nicole died and we still don't know who the daddy is, and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich(Don't care how I spell it, he's an ass.) calling Spanish the language of the Ghetto.( I for one believe you should learn other languages, it's useful. What's with all this sameness? We can't Walmart the World people. We are diverse, accept it. Italians make Pizza, Chinese make Rice Patties, and Ray J made a sex tape with Kim Karshardian, it's 2006 people. Whitney is pulling a Demi.) So what other logical sense could it make that Izzie and George had some startling sex? I mean he did almost break Callie's vajayjay when his father died, George is apparently as RKelly would name him, a "GoGetHer." And who knew? We always loved George as the awkward social outcast who's sort of never gets the girl, but homeboy's got to bodacious(yes that's an academic word) babes and is in real life, playing for the other team. I don't know how many people take issues with his homosexuality, but I think it's funny. The show almost set you up for that the first episode when he's going on about the strappy sandals and later on when he meets that friend of the chief's who needed a liver and kept flirting with George. That sort of comical ambiguity really helps. Because TR is gay, George is not people. George can actually call himself the Sultan of Punanny(Closer reference).
I read somewhere that they were sayin Grey's is the first real show where the character's beauty (mostly talking the girls here) takes a backseat to their personality, and that it's the first show that portrays women in a real light. I think it's perfectly true. I work with an entire office of attractive women, and it's good that people know, attractive people can be smart. We can have it all, lol(Yes you who are reading this, you gorgeous creature you). Not that I'm glib or anything, I was ugly duckling for quite some time in between. I was a gorgeous baby, big head, but gorgeous. But you know, there's that balance in life. You lack one thing, you make up for it somewhere else. Such is the Circle/Cycle of life. Whoa, way off topic now. Let's move on. But they had hours and hours of sex. He meant it more than once, hilarious.
MerDer Sex?
I read somewhere in the blog for the show about it being a long time for MerDer sex, that was totally understandable...but I just assumed they were having I mean it was a cute moment when Mer was kissing his "boo-boo's" away but they always have their cute little moments. She's all painting with the colors of the wind and shit and he's her knight in shining whatever. I think they're a great representation of a couple today, flawed, yet still together, still sticking it out. I think a lot of people these days are like, fuck this I am out for myself. I can't be bothered with anyone else. I got one life to live, one chance to be bold and beautiful and follow my passions. Lol. Well party people, that's shit. You need someone to go home to at the end of the day. It's all right to be single. I for one am a fan, but it's lonely kid. Besides, I need someone to be accountable for you, and not just yo' mama. Like the man at Walmart today wearing an all Lime-Green suit, who the hell let him make that mistake? I need someone to cuss when you act a fool and cut me off on the highway. Who do I blame when you mark Bush on the ballot? If it's just you, that's no fun. If you have a partner it's more likely you'll make a well thought-out decision about your actions. People make people accountable. You don't become a Teacher/Porn Star otherwise you employers and co-workers will start looking at you funny. It's true, your network makes you accountable for what you do. And we all just love, someone to kiss you on your neck, and whisper nasty things like, "All I need is a moment alone to give you my tongue and make you out of control," in your ear. Yea, I said it. Get some lovin'. Ain't nothing wrong with getting you groove back if you lost it. Unless you groove is really gay and wanted a green card...poor Stella. On to newer topics. Mer kicked Derek out of the room when he brought up Sloane's motives. I felt the tension in that room. He was right, but Meredith took a page from her dead Mother's book and did the surgery anyway. Ballsy...and it's exactly what Ellis would have done. She was kinda right about Derek holding her back from being the best she can be, but what she really didn't know was that she was the problem. Meredith couldn't be the best Meredith because her own harsh crazy mother didn't recognize her half the time and she was harboring all this anger for her father. Now that Ellis is gone, we see some of that fixing of her life. I think Meredith's mom dying gave her strength to be a better surgeon and just prove her mother wrong.
Wishin' and Hopin' and Plannin and Prayin'.
Christina's "Be Kind Rewind Operation" was funny. Burke and Christina are tying the knot, you are cordially invited. Just a small ceremony with Mer and Der, and the Justice of the Peace. No veil because who the hell wants some mosquito net hanging over their face in their wedding day? And white? Who are we kidding here? You don't buy the car before test driving. That's how people ended up with the crappy Yugo. I love it, I absolutely can't wait to see Burke and Christina get married. He wants so bad to start a family, and Christina is so not use to having a family that she likes. I would love to see her mother again, Mrs. Rubenstein:(To Burke) "You're good-looking, Christina, he's good looking. Why don't you ever bring a man home this good-looking?" I just know she might end up crying like she did after her miscarriage, "I can't stop crying, somebody sedate me!!!" She makes me crack up. I know people like Christina. You don't agree with them on everything, but you love them so much, because they are so unapologetically themselves. It's a beautiful to embrace your personality. When she talks to the patient with diabetes, "Did you go to medical school?" I died. And then the poor guy has to chop off his foot and Christina realizes that it might be too late for her patient's foot, but that he has the other foot. While she might not want to marry Burke the traditional way, they can do it their own way. "You try and keep your other foot. "
I love Burke's line about "I wanna move forward, I'm not interested in going back." Burke is so wise sometimes. Isaiah might be a bigot, but Burke is infinitely wise reguardless of him.
Calliapie? O'Malley
Whoa, and we thought her middle name was weird. Apparently Callie comes with a lot more drama than we ever knew. I love that she is is so awkward when it comes to her dad. I love when Izzie walks in on the two of them while Callie is trying to get George cleaned up.
Izzie: "Oh the O'Malley's.(awkward laugh) Do your stuff, your married stuff, Yay."
And then Izzie is nervous all day around Callie and she has to be her intern which is all too hapless. That is to say hilarious. Then Geoge asks the woman who can barely move to lie still during a CT, that was awkwardly funny. And worst of all Izzy has to confide in Addison. My favorite lines are:
Addy: "So God's plan is for you to commit adultery."
Izzy:"God got a virgin pregnant by magic, he's not exactly playing by the rules."
And how weird is it that Callie's dad is Hector Elizondo, from Princess Diaries and Pretty Woman. He was great as Callie's father. You always feel under pressure with that guy.
Jane Doe's New Face
Yet another example of Alex softening up. Come on kid, how many damn gold stars do you want on your HW? I personally want to see Alex man-up again. It's all right for him to get in touch with his pink and squishy feelings,(Aww he loves banana cream pie, gag me. lol) but I miss the old Alex. (Even though that is good pie) He's so deep in uterii right now that his mojo is almost non-existent. But there are small redeeming moments like when he says to her, "If you don't pick a face, (opens the mirror) this is what you'll look like the rest of your life." But I think some Frat Brother or Wrestling buddy visits are in order. Open this kid up a bit more to us. I think because we have so many damn characters it's hard to get everybody's story in there. Hence, the spin-off, which I kinda blame for slowing down Grey's production.
The Race for Chief
Webber:"He has a ten year plan."
Shepherd:"What he's only been here a day."
Webber:"Did you see that folder, the man has a plans, tweaks for my hospital."
I love everbody stepping up their game. Burke was all in his suit, pitching ideas to the Board. Poor Shep, he was in bad shape. Mark really knew how to push his buttons And Mark was a sneaky little bastard, but you have to admire his gumption. Even Addison had to pony up her charisma.
Sloane: What are you weaknesses?
Addison: I don't have any. I'm that good.
Sloane: "I'm an easy target for evil red-heads."
The banter between these two is very cute. And when Sloane asks Bailey what she would do to improve the hospital, she gives him the typical Bailey talk-to. The "Right now" plan was funny.
But at the end of the day, Meredith suceeded and kissed Derek's pain away. Burke and Christina came to an understanding, and George and Mr. Torres even negotiated. Now I know some of you are still sore about the George and Izzy sexcapades...everything has a purpose in this show. And don't lie...sometimes some of ya'll wake up remembering the shit you did the night before and wished you hadn't. Bourbon does some strange things to you. And remember George and Izzie were doing every damn this else a couple does before Callie came along. They just didn't have sex. And it's funny that I came to this realization at the end of the blog that the daughter of the mother whose organs were turning to stone represented Izzy. Izzy froze up after Denny died and she's learning from her mistakes. And damn homegirl was thrown a curve ball, realizing that she was in some weird way in love with George. It'll all make sense soon. We just have to wait, and have faith. And wait we will, the next episode is slated for :
"Grey's Anatomy: Every Moment Counts"
Thursday, Apr.12 at 9/8c
Loved by Grey's Anatomy fans for his role as "Denny," actor Jeffrey Dean Morgan hosts a one-hour special which highlights some of the most memorable moments from the last three seasons
The Following New Episode is projected as:
Season 3, Episode 21: "Desire"
Original Air Date: 26 April 2007
Hopefully they move it up. If not. I apologize. Read this blog over and over every day until. I haven't edited it. It was hard enough getting it all out, covering all angle and trying to be as me as possible. Leave comments please.
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