So I know many of you are wondering who was the very forward little Miss that tried to buy our McDreamy a drink? Um who else goes to bars and sleeps with inappropriate men when bad things happens? I'd say your long-lost sister whom you've never met's Boyfriend is pretty damn inappropriate. It's Lexi Grey, who also a medical intern. What a great way to bring her into the show, that Shonda is always thinking. And if I am wrong, she's related to Meredith in some way. Has to be, why else would we see her? Just a random woman? McDreamy's new love interest? I think not. Our McDreamy is well...McDreamy. He wouldn't cheat. He wasn't my favorite person the night he just let Meredith leave, I was really mad at him that night. Like, what was the point of that? "I'm tired of breathing for you?" Did we not remember at the beginning of the show, when he had just been betrayed by his best friend. Who did he say "was like coming up for air." I repeat verbatum, "It was like I was drowning and you saved me." And he saved her right back. Well, now we know even Shepherd isn't perfect. No matter how much he likes ferry boats or elevators, or catching trout, or wide open spaces with a trailer on it. It's time like this you really miss Doc. He was their little Devil-puppy's glue. I swear, had Lexi offered a shot of tequila I would have definitely known it was her.
I just can't help but feel pity for Meredith. She has had a lot happen to her, this year, last year, the year before. Being a medical intern in itself is a tough gig. The girl's got chops of steel to still be standing. If my real mom, and then my surrugate (an even better mom) just both died within months of one another, I'd be under the bar for weeks. Well, let's hope I never have to test that theory anytime within the next 80-100 years. And let's not forget she almost drowned, lost doc. Watched Izzy go through Denny, cried while having sex with George. She broke little McVet's heart. She got her panties pasted to the bulletin board and then almost got pummelled by Callie. Ok, point is, she's been through the ringer. I commend her for being as strong as she is. But at some point, she's gotta pull herself up by the boot straps and get a new outlook on life. She should just accept that bad things are gonna happen to her a lot, a whole lot. And she tried to have the whole Painting with the colors of the wind deal, and she's gotta stick with that. He's her knight in shining whatever and by God, she better beat her sister's ass for him.
Now let me get to George and Izzy. Izzy, who's still cute and sort of plateuing in her performance. Ever since she got married in real life and Denny almost died she hasn't been able to act out the angst she usually does. I wanna see her bake something...But George, I like George more and more since he got married. Even though he's a cheater, they were drunk...but they have genuine feelings. And like something's up with his hair, McMini has turned into McGeorgie. He's become a man, come into his own. Now he's got a little love triangle action going. Lord knows he'll have a vision with Callie and Izzy at some point it time, lol. I really do like Callie now...but she needs to become a divorcee...The way he looks at Izzy. It's the way McDreamy used to look at Meredith. And he's got those light eyes so it's like really intense, he's all like, "I really can't be kissing you in elevators," and you're like looking at his eyes all enamored like, "Huh?" And then you like shake your head, "I didn't kiss this fool in the elevator." Come on, don't lie. I saw some of you do it. (Actually, I didn't get to watch it with my fam the way I usually do on Thursday. I really missed it! I hope that they read this and know that watching Grey's with them is like one of my little joys in the world. Yes, Kathy and Marcos I mean you too. You are family. DUH!) And Mercy West? Yuck. Didn't one of their interns kill a pregnant woman? Yes, you Chow!
The Chief and his wife...I won't even touch. She is pregnant? Lord Jesus help the cheif. Adele was spotting all over the bathroom floor.
Bailey's got competition for chief resident? That will be interesting. I won't get into any theories. it would be funny to see someone else get picked and watch Bailey squirm about it, watch them fail, and then clean it all up. She's gonna rock that Hospital.
Alex and Jane Doe. You know why he's so mad? Besides the obvious that he stated. He feels if Mrs. Pope can do that to her husband, she can do it to him and that hurts. How can someone just disappear? He really has feelings for her and I think he was so hurt that she's the kind of woman who can just leave her husband for no good reason. He is so hurt. And you know he just wants to be that baby's daddy. He should just be happy she don't want her husband. But, you know, life ain't that simple.
The Exam? Umm real tough. I love that the chief even had a sandwhich for her. He is her dad. Whether she likes it or not, her real dad sucks like her mom did. And her surrogate mom was even better. It's a testament to Meredith and why we love her, even though her own family sucks she draws people in who are good, and want to help her, and who care and protect her. She's our Grey, and that's why she's the focal point of the show.
Gay, Bar-owning parents? Umm tell me Joe and his little Asian Sensation are not the most mismatched couple you've ever seen. Gay or Straight, it's just weird. But whatever, in this life nothing in improbable. We've been to the moon and by, sky is not the limit, the universe is. Their surrogate mother was cute. I like her. And since she has two babies, why not give one to the other couple and Joe and what's his face can keep the other. AND! (I'm really excited as I type this, which is odd.) They can meet at summer Camp!!!And do a weird Parent Trap. "Let's get together, yea, yea, yea." Lol. It's just cause I love Hailey Mills(The original "Parent Trap.") , and yes I still love Fire-Crotch (Lindsay Lohan) too.
Umm those mountain guys? All I can say is... What the Jesus? I guess they must have tried to put homeboy out of his misery? Watch one of those mountain climbers ends up being Jane Doe/Ava/ I can't remember her real name off the top of my head's husband. Shut up, you wouldn't have known it if I did write it. All I can remember now is Pope. Patricia. And I just watched it too. How pathetic. Dimentia I tell ya. That's the question of the week, write a comment with her name.
And Burke and Christina are getting married! Oh the elation. If a girl like Christina can get married there's hope out there for all you emotionally crippled people! Lol. And Burke, he's a black McDreamy. You can call him McChocolate, Chocolate Thunder, whatever you want ladies...and maybe some gentlemen? -lifts eyebrow- But yea, the dress, the chapel, the "Mama." I can't wait to see it all.
Who will George Pick?
Clues: Um, she's blonde and we love her.
Who was the woman McDreamy met?
Clues: She was wearing black, she had a bad day, she was at a bar (Joe's bar of all places) which is close to the Hospital, where she was waiting in the Car for Thatcher and Molly (The other sister), She's cute and forward, She kinda looks like Meredith, and there's a really big 99.9 percent chance her last name is Grey. Figure it out people.
Will Christina get married?
Um can we say runaway bride? Lol. Nah, she better if she knows what's good for her.
Will Callie get pregnant with George's baby?
Umm yuck.
Where will McSteamy go from here?
Are we losing Addison to another show?
Clues: Um Or so E! says. She will be starring in Montgomery's Anatomy.
Haha, I just had to do this. "There's another showing in an hour, and it's wet"
What will happen to the Chief's wife, will she die too?
What about those Mountain climbers?
Is Jane doe strong enough to catch Alex's syphillis?
Will Bailey become chief resident?
All these questions and more will be answered on the Season (Only Season, not Series, Don't get scared) Fiinale of, "Grey's Anatomy."
(Like Dane Cook says about shoes, I say phuck proofreading! But only for blogs. In the real really have to know how to spell. Not like Black Eyed Peas either, T-to the-A- to the S-T-E-Y...Umm what? )
Ciao all. I couldn't write more. So tired. I'm a workaholic.
Another Doc McValentine original.
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