I'm Home, I can't utter any other words in my head. My head is all full with me being home.
I brag a lot about Grey's being one of the best shows on Television and I'm right. Not the best show in History just yet, but pretty damn substantial from where I'm standing. My Media Management teacher is gonna hear about this. The ratings have to be through the roof. There's no way, there's no way. So let's do a little chatting about tonight's episode. I planned to do this blog about Grey's coming up, like I usually do. But I think I just missed it so damn much, I couldn't write. I had writer's block. I mean I could squeeze a few paragraphs out, but nothing substantial. I'm flabbergasted for the second time today. I know people want to text me and call me and tell me how they loved the show…I don't want to talk, I want to write. So here I am, typing away instantaneously.
I just want to makes some things clear, Shonda Rhimes, you are a genius and you didn't let me down. Private Practice, was good. It wasn't stellar, but I mean it's one great writer split between two shows. I am glad she didn't let Grey's suffer because of the new endeavor. But I do like Addison's Character still and her show is somewhat interesting with the whole holistic medicine thing. It's sort like what Dedo calls instant soup. It's the same archetype superimposed over a different show. Will audiences get all the show's wacky nuances and Grey banter? It's a very specific verbal flavor. ( e.g. "Let's never Mc—anything." "Stop Addisoning me,")
Ok so back to Grey's…
Tonight's episode was stellar….Change is a beautiful thing.
We fight chance a lot in life. I know I do. I've come a long way from this pudgy little shy boy to someone who's opinionated and articulate. I stand up for myself. I can talk in front of a crowd without feeling the urge to purge. I just, I've changed. And Grey's has certainly changed with me. I'm not saying it's the sole reason why I've changed, but it's a big part in my motivation. How can I, as a writer, sit idly back in awe of this phenomenal writing and story structure and not want to produce anything of my own. The truth is, I can't I have to write. It's who I am. I get in my own way. I procrastinate. I have a lot of thoughts in my head that I shy away from getting on paper. And you better damn believe I am going to drain this brain one day and just write out everything I can, much like an email I sent someone the other day, to which I hope it didn't scare the Be-Jesus out of you, because wow. Anyway, enough about my life. Let's talk about sex.
Grey and Shepherd in the on Call Rooms
I love how Shepherd knows her. He knows her like we know her, because we see everything. We've got God's eye-view. So Break-up sex huh? Kind of a perfect end, to a perfect episode. Derek is our guy, remember. He's that guy that knows everything about you, is disappointed when you hold back, and then loves you in spite of all that he knows, because he knows you better than you know yourself. He knows you really want to have this relationship, but you're so damaged, you don't think you can handle it. It's a lot to ask, with the constant abandonment issues. Let's face it, Ellis wasn't really much of a loving role model, and Daddy wasn't around. The only one who really tried was her step mom, and then she died of hiccups. The Chief has started to take the role of her Father, he's been doing it since that first episode. He really cares about Meredith as his own, and he sees how incredible she is. So Derek knows all this and more, and when Mark thinks that bashing Meredith is his way in (To which he said, "I came to Seattle to get you back." In very gay undertone, which we will get to later.) and it turns around in his face. Derek is our Shepherd, he will lead us to the promise land. We will see your little tequila wasp use that wispy voice to say "I do," and get married and finally be happy. Seriously!
Dr. Yang
Can I just say, that if you watch the progression of Christina Yang on a emotional chart it will astound you. She was this complete gutsy, competitive, surgery hound (and still kinda is, I'm glad they're true to her nature i.e. her getting rid of Izzy when she came begging for help.) but now has emotion. The girl is almost wearing her heart on her sleeve. Of course it's rolled up like how they used to do cigarette cartons back in the 70's when smoking was "cool." Wait, what am I talking about, smoking was never cool. No Smoking! She saw that black man and she saw Burke on that table. She didn't want to let him go, and luckily they brought him back. How funny is it that she calls her interns by number. It's such a Yang thing to do. And when she was waiting to get paged for rule number 5. "When I move, you move," –she stands there waiting for a page.- Obviously none of their Bailey renditions, which I hope you recognize from the first episode went well enough to brag about, except for maybe Alex's. Alex and Yang had a really good bonding moment. I think they've always understood each other as competitors. They were even stuck discharging happy patients in one episode, where they were both avoiding the hugs and celebration of the happy families. They've had a kindred cynical relationship, and we might see that develop more as the season goes on.
Dr. Karev
I think Alex has come tremendously far from being the Frat Guy Doctor. He's still a little rash when it comes to patients that are non-surgical. He's surgery-hungry and there's no gorgeous red-head that he can dive into uteri with this season. She's moved on. He's trying to move on, but there's someone stuck in his head. The infamous Jane Doe/Ava/ Rebecca Pope. Whose husband you might recognize from the Mallrats movie? She left, took her baby, and Alex's one true chance to grow up and be a decent human being. Hence, why he's the new Nazi. He was the only one that did the Bailey speech justice. He treats his interns like puppies. He's still got more developing to do, and he's a secondary character really. He's dirty Uncle Sal, we're gonna invite to the picnic anyway. Because it's what Jesus would freakin' do. (Lmao, at Izzy crying, not because she's crying, but how she says it crying. It was such an honest moment.)
Dr. Stevens
How weird was the story-line for Izzy this episode? I can't even—whatever. The dear was really CGI-ish but I guess someone thought it would be cool. And I actually liked the fact that they did it. It proved some things to us that we've long suspected. We suspected that Izzy was a pretty great doctor (she learned about a deer in a day and brought it back to life.) & we also learned something else: She's crazy as hell. I mean that we kinda knew when she cut her fiancĂ©'s L-VAD wire, but operating on a deer, yea that's typical Izzy. She's always out practicing non-conventional and unauthorized medicine. She's a rule breaker in every sense of the word. But her intentions are so good that we kind of overlook that, and love her anyway. Because…she's a model. And as Yang reminds her, she doesn't have to have any skills. She doesn't even have to know how to read. She could just walk around naked all day. But I'm glad she got a chance to prove she was a good Doctor to her interns and throw it back in their faces. Don't talk smack if you're not ready to compare surgical skills you little lackeys. I don't know why I thought of this quote but, as Burke says, "This is the men's room ladies, either whip one out, or close the door." (You have to do that with the close the door hand movement. I know you miss Burke, get over it.)
Poor kid, loses his Father and has to start his year all over. Not to mention, he's married to Callie. I liked Callie. But they were a weird fit from the beginning. And I know with the whole George and Izzy thing, people either Hate it, or love it. There's almost no in between. It's either utterly absurd, or it makes perfect sense. This goes back to Izzy but I will keep it here, because it pertains to George. Izzy is a clinger. She's one of those people that find a great thing and smother it. She forced it with Denny, and he ended up dying. She forced it with Alex, and he couldn't perform, so he cheated. And she's forcing this thing with George. But the truth is, George loves her too. And I don't know if it's a romantic love. But when a friendship runs really deep, and you're single…sometimes it just happens. But George is married. He married Callie and broke her vajayjay… The only real thing to support Izzy's love was her disdain for Callie. Maybe she just needed someone to stir those feelings of jealousy, because the Syph Nurse (Olivia) wasn't really competition. I don't know, it's a weird thing. And in life, I'll admit there are weird things. There are people together who shouldn't be, and they are, and it happens. So I guess it's not so fictional. But George's a good guy. I sort of thought the awesome pep-talk with McGrey or Mini-Grey or whatever we decide to name Lexi was really cool. It gave George a little bit of his mojo back, like when he performed heart surgery in that elevator. He delivered a baby, and boy did I love Sloan's response. "Yea, yea we're all heroes. Can I get back to sewing this woman's arm on?' So if George and Izzy really wanna play this thing out, which might blow up in their face. Because I don't think they have any real sexual chemistry without the Justin Timberlake CD and massive amounts of liquor, then why not see where it takes them. At least till the end of season 4 to see where it goes. Callie is gonna end up pregnant, and I can see it. Was there a part where I missed if it was confirmed or not? Cuz she kinda look like she knew she was.
Dr. Torres-O'Malley
Callie is, as always the outsider. She can't fit in as the new Chief Resident. She can't fit into the job because it wasn't meant for her. It was meant for you-know-who, but that's another issue. Of course Karev doesn't listen to her, and the rest of the crew is less than enthusiastic about following orders from her. She is, and always will be someone who is trying to break the inner sanctum of the family dynamic that was built during their internship. She can't do it, she should just surrender to being on the outside. She thought she would marry George and everyone would listen to her. Again, instant-soup. It doesn't always taste good. I felt really bad for her in the moment where she said she was bad at her job, and bad at being a wife. She's really not that bad at being a wife. It's just that George doesn't love her in that Der-Mer way. He thinks he loves Izzy. Maybe, he does, maybe he doesn't. If she's pregnant she better tell him soon. This is gonna be one of those triangles that will frustrate the hell out of you. Because once somebody is pregnant, it's game over son. You have to do what's best for the child. And it doesn't always equal a happy marriage. Sometimes it's happy parents in other marriages, or relationships independent of one another. Life is sticky my friends, wear some gloves, but everyday you gotta scrub back in. I think she'll get the hang of the job at some point, but my senses tell me, she might not feel like sticking around the whole season. But I have grown to like her, maybe not as much as Addison, but a little more.
Dr. Bailey
Oh my love of the show. Mother Hen and her crazy ass little chicks. But as she says, they're not her interns anymore. They're not her residents either, not her problem. I think the Chief believes that the interns hinder Bailey from concentrating on her surgeries. Bailey used to be the Nazi. She was unfaltering. She stayed at Thanksgiving and picked up every extra surgery she could. She overworked herself. And with her newfound freedom she should be happy. She should be grateful. But like mother hen, she misses all her little chicks. Even though they are still around causing havoc: Grey cleaning severed arms after finding out her other half sister is in Seattle, doing her internship at her hospital no less, Karev ignoring pica because he wants something surgical, Yang transferring her personal feelings into her medicine, Stevens performing surgery on a deer, Georgie redoing everything he learned, but learning something new. He finally feels like the rock star of the group, granted it's a younger group. I was wondering why that damn patient was so hungry after his accident. He ate those damn cotton balls and everything else. All those coins…what a weirdo. I knew people with Pica ate paint off the walls, but that man was ridiculous. He could have asked for some ice chips or something. Out Bauley, she's gonna be all right. She needs to concentrate on her surgeries and getting home to her little boy.
Dr. Sloan
Oh Mark, our little man-whore. Are we really rooting for him. And mean if Derek can't make it work with Grey, maybe there's still hope for Mark and Derek? Lol, Awkward. He came back to Seattle to get his best friend. I say back, because he did visit that one time. We all know he came back to get Addison, and when he realized she didn't want him, only then did he throw himself into getting Derek back. Derek knows this, because Derek knows, he always knows. Even when he doesn't know, he knows. But it's admirable him still wanting to be Derek's friend after sleeping with his wife, and then hoarding his way back into Derek's life, and then running for the same job as him, and then sleeping with Derek's ex-wife some more. Mark's a real pillar of the community. We see a little tension building between him and Izzy, but who knows when they'll get to that story. Anyway…I am on the outs with Sloan. He's a good Doctor, he's got the looks, the dry sarcasm, the dirty verbal undertone, but he hasn't redeemed himself. Not just yet, or as Derek puts it,, "We can get a drink sometime, but not tonight." And that being said to Sloan, who loves instant soup by the way. He thought he was gonna be some super dad, Addison knew, like we did that it would take something bigger to change him. He had to have his heart broken. Because, how will he ever know that pain, the countless times he cheated, until it was done to him. She didn't break his heart hard enough, but it was pretty sufficient to get him to see the err of his ways. But like, Karev he's gonna slip up a time or two. So you have to be ready for it, and almost expect it.
The Chief…
Is doing everything over again…Wife still won't let him home. He's very vague this episode. I don't know if he's enjoying this taking back the Chief position stint. Besides we need the Medical Godfather presiding over the Hospital domain. And He doesn't drink because Meredith's mom turned him into an alcoholic, remember? He was in those AA meetings, and his Sponsor had cancer or something.
I could have went through Derek and Meredith separately…but I chose to do them first together. Tomorrow I will get to them separately in a more detailed report, like the scene between Yang and Shepherd, Meredith's Sister issues. And Lexi Grey…I'm not ready to talk about her yet. I knew who she was the moment I saw her…The girl in the bar…seriously. She's kinda cool, and I'm glad that Meredith caught her little pep-talk with George. So…tomorrow morning people…I am dog tired. I woke up at 6 today. I need my sleep.
So until tomorrow, you get this unedited version of my blog. It's a mess, but it's made with love.
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