My friend has this saying about crushes.
He calls them crashes, and they're appropriately named because a crash is very much like a crush. First and foremost, they are unavoidable. If you want to avoid a crush, unless the person turns out to be Satan reincarnated, you're probably not going to get over it just like that. You may put it aside, or put it on the back-burner but it's there. It's like an MTD (Mentally Transmitted Disease.) You meet someone and they're moderately to extremely attractive and then when they open their mouth they actually have something intelligible to say, you're hooked. The reason you don't want to have a crush, at least for too long is, if it doesn't work out, there's all this wasted effort. So then we move to stage two.
The 411
We get out of our "Cars," (Minds) and look at the damage. The other person obviously doesn't have as much damages as you. So they get off scot-free and you end up clinging onto your bumper and trying to tie it up. You try to put yourself together so you don't look a hott mess and you exchange information. Now-a-days it's no longer home telephone number. Lol, remember the old days when you would have to do that and your mom would pick up the phone: "Honey, so-and-so is on the phone for you." Tre-embarrassing right? Now it's Cell Phones, and the occasional email exchange. Bur rather than give email people opt to use Myspace or Facebook. It's safer, you get more a choice when you use these venues. I mean email has become a little too personal to just give out. In Facebook, more so than Myspace you can control more of what people are allowed to see as your friend. So you exchange the information and wait. If you have inherent harmless stalker tendencies like me, you send over a little "Hello." just to remind them you're alive, and change your profile picture to the best one. So that when they see you're alive, they associate that livelyness with lovelyness. Am I right?
The Waiting Game
Then you wait. You wait some more. And then you wait a little more. I tend to not wait and realize things play out better when you wait. But you're excited and you need something to do with all that crush energy. You peruse their profile, looking at every picture.You might not look in detail, but just the cute pictures where your cursh is the main focus. You try to picture yourself in their life. Not in a weird insertion kind of way, but a "Where do I fit in?" inventory to see if you two are indeed compatible. And even if you aren't. You daydream. You wait and wait until finally you give up and write more messages, maybe even call. You invite them out, because nothing speeds up comfort like a face to face meeting? Right? Face to Face can be awkward. Chances are if you can't hold a conversation online, you might as well be dead in the water when you come face to face. It isn't a rule, just general experience. Your really are you true self around your friends. They get your humor, they get your intention. What do I say about relationships? Relationships are fifty percent intention, and other fifty is execution. And when you try these new things out on people that don't get it. It either amuses them or...makes yourself seem like an ass. Either way crushes can be the cute little pining away kind, or the one that jerk in your side. The pain in a a joint when you realize you're not as young as you used to be.
The Cure for the Common Crush?
How do you cure it? Well, there's no sure fire way to do it. I mean you think if you absorb enough of the person you'll get it out of your system. But it doesn't really work that way. The way I got over my last crush was rather unconventional but it made so much sense. I don't know if it was really a crush or my intuition. I knew there was something that happened between my friend or mine and this person. So that stopped my river of affection rather quickly. I don't know why, but it just did. It was like Hallelujah. And now I consider that person to be a semi-friend. Semi-friends are a little higher than an acqaintance. But in truth this person is still just an acqaintance. But we've managed to segue into quasi-friendship. As did another crush of mine earlier. That one was a little easier, because it became apparent early on we were better suited as friends. So you can't really get over a crush until you spend more time with the person on a non-expectations basis. And sometimes being direct works. I'll say, "I'll say, I kind of have a thing for you. Let me know if I'm just being delusional here. Could you possibly have a thing for me." Even when they say no, you might still feel the urge to crush. That's natural. If we all did what we were suppose to do...the world would be a boring, but lovely place. So that's just my take. I'll update this as more advice as it comes in.
Please Comment:
How do you get over, avoid, or follow through on crushes?
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