So I ran into old buddy at MDC today. Reminded me of how much time has passed. I'm like an adult now. Scary!
Steve Jobs is quickly becoming one of the leading forces in media
innovation. While he initially explored the field of computers, his
leadership skills have aided him in the success of two companies and
the innovation of all-in-one devices. While Steve Jobs has done well
selling Apple's superior products at a less than competitive price, he
has been the juggernaut of low priced content.
With the Internet advancing at a rapid rate content via video and
music are moving across computers with ease. Jobs has made the iPod
the most covetted Mp3 device through advertising, interface, and
innovation. "Music you can touch," is one of the new iPod slogans.
Jobs has really gone down to the bare bones of what a customer seeks.
They want to be entertained, not just at home but in the car, on a
bus, in an airplane. As a leader in his empire jobs has done extremely
well with Talent. The Apple retail locations are always swarming with
Geniuses and other Mac retail personnel. Geniuses are recruited and
trained in Apple's own School in Cupertino, California. Jobs realizes
the need for the Theory Y in his business model. As his company grew,
so did his employees with an everexpanding market on equipment
training to personal shopping.
What might seem lacking is Steve's appraisal of content provided by
television, movies and music. The online media store iTunes, launched
by apple has seen exponential growth in the past few years. The store
is only a few years old and because of it's simple pricing can be
addictive to shoppers. The problem with the success of iTunes is that
the sale of tangible media such as Dvds and Cds have dropped. However,
while they were still sinking due to piracy, they have somewhat
diverted the markets flow of cash. This cash flow follows a stream
directly through Steve Jobs hands. And how does he price them? : 99
cents per song; $1.99 per TV episode; and usually $9.99per movie
title. While this might seem like a bargain price to a customer, it
feels like construction to content providers who don't believe all
content is created equal. So why should they be priced the same.
Jobs defends that while these content are not also available online,
but they can be recorded via TiVo and distributed via the internet
with unfettered distribution. At least with iTunes content providers
can reap back some profit. With the low scale pricing it will invite
customers to purchase more content and increase business all around.
While some content providers like Vivendi and NBC want to have more
control over the pricing of their products , others see the method
among the madness. Jobs situation reminded me of Hertz and Avis, how
do you attract customers with more than just a cheaper rate? You offer
them variety. Itunes provides the conveniance the way Avis stationed
their locations to points of interests. Jobs assumes that his
customers are honest and that they want to to the right thing by
purchasing content instead if stealing it. And with equal pricing
among all the content it is harder to say no search for music on your
own when you could just easily download a guaranteed quality recording
of music, tv, and film.
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N. Valentine
So where are we? I look at Kanye West and while I feel for him so
much, I feel his situation brings up how money can build you up and
bring you down. He's had so much success and so much struggle. His
mom's surgery was the ultimate cause of her death. But, would she have
gone through that surgery of it weren't because of his success? It
doesn't seem like something she would have done had she not been in
the public eye. But the industry demands you look your best. Life
demands you look your best. Are we looking for the easy way out? Does
money make us think less. Why do the work, when you can buy your way
through it?. I sent my laptop out to get repaired. And while that was
something I can't fix myself. It just reminded me of money. $300. I
also just fixed my car so that's gonna cost me soon. This damn phone I
am typing this up on, another expense. There are so many people on TV
flaunting their wealth to the rest of the world. Who's to say they are
undeserving? Why do we grade ourselves with money? Well money means we
can do things others can't but there are only things that can be
purchased. I prefer the power I possess with a genuine smile, with a
healthy complement, when I lend a helping hand. Money can't buy
presence, and that's what I think we should all achieve to possess. So
take this money and don't let it rule you. Work past your goals and
seek a greatness in yourself. Oh and Alicia Key's new album As I Am is
soo good. It had so much soul. I love her music.
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N. Valentine
Instincts: we are all born with them, it's innate. They are either survival, reactionary, or conditioned (learned). So why is it we oppose them so often. We all know the right thing to do, but are fighting so hard to run in the opposite direction. Like, I had two thoughts that I put to the back of my mind, even though I knew I was right, I convinced myself I was wrong. I felt so vindicated when I realized the thoughts I had were so very true. So chances are if you are battling something, you already know what you should do. You're just looking for an excuse, some reason to feel better about your decision. Because God forbid you're wrong and end up looking like a fool.
This is why I've learned it's best to wait out things that make you look foolish and weed out the things that are already making you feel foolish. We fight the truth because sometimes it means that we aren't in control of our own lives. And to feel helpless is one of the worst feelings we can endure as human beings. And instincts about people can be tricky, because you might know there is good person inside, but what use is it on the inside if no actions manifest on the outside? People can change, people can want to change, and people can even change others. But ultimately someone's true nature will get the best of them, and that's how you know when someone hasn't changed. Words are little things with so much power. When someone continually uses their words to take away your power and isolate you, then you know what you have to do. That instinct is something that is learned the hard way. You can't just flip a switch and turn your feelings off. But you can cultivate a sense of confidence and outrage at the treatment you received. You are better than that, and I would let anyone put me down, friend or lover.
And if your instincts are all jacked up? Borrow someone roses. That's what friends are for.
Doc McValentine
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N. Valentine
I was thinking lately. I know right: me? I have been listening to a
lot of grammar girl podcast, but being that this blog is more from my
mouth to the keyboard, not all of my grammar knowledge will be
reflected. And if I die on this bus ride, you will know it is the
result of the crazy driving of the FIU bus driver from BBC at @ 5:15
on today's date. He's got some road rage issues. Let's start out with
what I have been thinking about. I am a pretty upbeat person. Like it
takes a lot to bring me down in real life . I cry more watching Grey's
than I do for myself, LOL. I guess i've just learned to expect certain
things out of life. But, my main convern lately has been others. I've
watched a lot of good people go through the ringer this year. It's
been really sucky to be helpless. And when I try to intervene it has
ended up unsuccessful. Do I had reserved myself to just look out for
me, and be available only when asked. It's a simple rule, but boy is
it hard to follow, and I used to think it was low selfesteem, maybe I
didn't feel excited about my life so I would try to fix things in
other peoples world. And that wasn't the case. The truth is I do have
a Mother Theresa complex. Which Dr. Phil would probably boils down to
a people-pleaser complex. But whatever, I know there is one person
besides me that worries about others above themselves when their needs
aren't in direct conflict with your own. I guess the only thing we can
do us continue to wish them well and gave faith. I'm more spiritual
but I believe in the power of prayer. But sometimes life has lessons
in store for people and you can't get in the way of that. So just
continue being the awesome person you and I are.
Word is love, Rev Run. LOL.
Just kidding.
Your Funny Valentine
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N. Valentine