[This first part in brackets is all personal filler. You can skip it if you're not interested. It's personal convo.]
[Welcome Back! I know it's been weeks and you've been missing Grey's as much as I have. The break was a much needed for me though. I needed all that time away to really appreciate the work that goes into making such a good show. I hope you all took pause and realized how dry life was without Grey's. I mean, I kept myself busy out there in the real world. My social calendar overfloweth. But as life is winding down it's nice to return to form. I anticipate a very relaxing summer even though I have three classes so far and I am trying to score a fourth. I haven't said much about the situation with my school but I will update that soon when I know more about what is going on. If you don't know what I am talking about, just disregard. I know what you're waiting for: The juice, the gossip, the insight into Grey's I believe that only I can bring.
I entitled this entry Side Effects. I am going to start naming my blogs after songs not just because Shonda does it with Grey's Episodes, but because there's something about the rhythm of writing that I learned from Elizabeth Hanly and Joan Didion. The title is taken from Mariah Carey's new album E=MC2. If you haven't picked up the album yet, check it out. It's not as bad as Mariah's Diva attitude makes it out to be. Even though I think her image is totally over the top and sometimes she tries to be sexy when she doesn't have to, she's still a good artist. It's not as good as Emancipation of Mimi, but seriously who can top that? I played that album dry. It's so etched into memory I only here digital feedback when I play it. Ok, here I go meandering again. Back to the juice.]
The Squeeze: Is she really wretched?
So it's been weeks, five to be exact, that we found out our favorite Attending with the perfect hair, kissed the nurse from community college. (Hey, even Derek said she went to a party school.) She's an imperfect person, she's stated that. But, as much as we're suppose to hate her. She's likable. Like our favorite Grey girl, she's vulnerable. We can see from her outburst in front of Lexi that her feelings for Derek are genuine. But she has to know, when it comes down to the wire, we're in one corner and one corner only. Because whose anatomy is it? It's definitely not Rose's.
I know there are a lot of you naysayers out there who are tired of Meredith toying with Derek's heart. Does he not deserve happiness after his wife cheated on him with his best friend and resident man-candy McSteamy? He does, but not on his terms. Not if I have anything to say about it. He belongs to Meredith. No matter how much he tries to deny it. He knew when he tried to make it work with Addison that what he had with Meredith was life changing. Rose, doesn't make him crazy when he's thinking about his veterinarian touching her with his hands. She doesn't make it impossible to breathe. (It's kind of twisted that you know you love someone by the amount of pain they can put you through by not being with them.) As much as we want the Mer-Der to come to a happy ending, the writers can't just give it to us. It's work. It's gonna be hard. But you know that love is real when it's one of the hardest things you've had to do and you continue to do it. The preview for next week has me hopeful that Addison will talk some sense into Meredith and make her fight for the relationship that everyone knows they both want, even when it hurts, even when it's bad."I think it's better to have someone."
At the end of the day you can expect that Meredith will always love Derek in spite of his wife showing up all "leggy and fabulous", him choosing wrong, and now him kissing nurses. And Derek will always remember the lavender in her hair, that ratty Dartmouth T-shirt, and her atrocious snoring. He loves our little dark and twisty princess and will forever be her knight in shining whatever, regardless. Rose is a nice girl, I won't disparage her. But she's not for Derek. She's not for us. She's too ordinary. No thanks, we're allergic.
The McBrothers
It's true Mark has been waiting a long time to get alone time with Derek. Their relationship has finally mended and he can't get in a word edgewise. He ruined his $300 shoes to visit the site where the McDreamy residence was to be built and was turned down by bother Callie and Erica(Hahn, who finished second in her class to Burke @ John Hopkins.) Even Mark doesn't like Rose. Now when has that ever happened? Mark, not like a woman? Hahn isn't even that cute and he still hits on her.
"Do you know what's better than sex? Anticipation... Anticipation my friend."
This is true and another redeeming quality for Rose. It means at least she hasn't been sleeping around with the other doctors at the hospital. Or it could mean that she did and caught that syphilis that was going around and now she's playing it safe. But it's nice she has morals. Who knows? She's could be a sweet girl. I won't pretend she's not. We don't know enough about her yet. All we know is she isn't Meredith.
The RockStar Contest:
I was really hoping Izzy would win the contest. She's been kind of dumpy lately and quite frankly I'm sick of feeling sorry for her. I see her character constantly growing and then reverting. Just when you think she's got the hang of one aspect she screws up something else. I honestly think she should just become a vet. Her best patient was the deer that she saved in the first episode. She's developed some really bad instincts lately but with that deer she went for it and got it done. Hopefully she can get it together or get the hell out of there. We could bring in another blonde resident. I know people are afraid of cast changes, but sometimes it's a good thing. With the rumors flying around that she doesn't want to be there, and now it's showing in her performance. She should cut her hair shorter. I need to see a change in her physical or otherwise that will redeem her character. She's too much of a people please, too in your face, "pick me, pick me." She's the hottest one, she should be commanding that. She needs to watch a little Gossip Girl. She could learn a thing or two from Jenny.
"There is such a thing as honor."
"It's dog-eat-dog Karev."
I'm liking Karev a little more. He's always been a bit of a screw up. But he says that it doesn't make him an underdog. I like that he keeps pushing through. It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It's the size of the fight in the dog. He messes up, but he keeps going, no big dramatic scenes about how much of a failure he feels like. He's had his balance of successes and failures, but unlike certain blondes he doesn't beat it to death by always commenting about it. I like Karev because his character has been consistent. He's not becoming whiney or ridiculous. But he might just be getting what he unconsciously wanted in the next episode. Because our Jane Doe (Aka Rebecca Pope/Ava/The Face) is pregnant. My guess is it isn't her husbands because why would she travel all the way to the hospital just to tell Alex? In real life Justin Chambers has like six kids. He's no stranger to the role of daddy. I know there has been a lot of press on his stint in rehab, but if you were at home with 6 kids, you'd probably lose your mind too. He needs to be back at work.
Yang is just looking more and more like a kicked puppy each episode. She's doing everything short of wiping Erica Hahn's ass when she poops. It's funny to see her pull back her brash personality. Usually she's brutally honest and unfazed by everything. But Erica looks like she really has the power to hurt Cristina's feelings without even trying.
"So you're friend with Dr. Hahn?"
Roach-infested Crap-partment
So as nasty as it was to imagine the interns living in the hospital, how gross was Lexi's & George's crap-partment? They look like they have been living in a crack den. Poor George. Even after Lexi cleaned up and stole all of those items from the hospital, the place still kind of looks like dump. But it was better. And even though George realized how much he complains I didn't even recognize. He has every right to be upset. Even though he's an intern again I barely notice his struggle. He's dealing pretty well.
I have some sneaking suspicion that they are going to come back to his test scores. Somehow the score was wrong and he's repeating a year for no reason. Because if anyone looks like they shouldn't be a real doctor it's Izzy. Somehow their tests got mixed up. I just know it. But that's probably my mind working overtime.
I actually like the chemistry between George and Lexi. I have since the first moment they met. I mean if he can't have the Grey he wanted he might as well settle for the cute younger version. She's equally as tragic, but without all the abandonment issues. I don't know about you but I still feel like she's been dealing with the death of mother way too well. It wouldn't surprise me if that issue doesn't resurface. But they are so busy with other story lines that we might not get to see it.
Bailey in the House
Finally our Mother Hen is back. She's carrying around her baby, running the zoo animals, and doing surgeries with style. She's back. I don't really like to see her struggle. I feel like she is the one person in the show who makes sense. She really tries hard and makes the smarter decisions and is still in the struggle. I know it makes her human, but she's Bailey. It was of course a good pause that she had to adjust to having a baby the way real people have to, but eventually you get the hang of the uncertainty and new routine. I missed her.
Hahn & Torres
These girls have been spending a lot of time together. I actually like their relationship a lot more. Callie seems a lot happier and she was never going to break into the little Rosemary's Babies pack that the other residents have going on. She seems more confident and more comfortably. George is a little on the outside but they still look out for him. Now are Torres and Hahn lovers? I don't know. Erica and Callie both strike me as the kind of women who are strong independent women. Callie always looked a little Drag-queenish to me, but she looks really good this season. And they seem to be making Hahn look a little prettier. Lipstick Lesbians? I don't think so. But I wouldn't rule anything out with the end so near. Rating are going to be important. Callie said herself working in the hospital is like being back in highschool, because these guys have been in school so long their social skills are well, lacking. It's kind of true.
The Bejeweled Pager
She won the lion fight.
I really love that Meredith had found herself something positive to throw herself into. It's of course an obvious ploy to be close to Derek as much as she denies it. It's nice to see her excited about something. I think as much as she's struggled through we can't help but root for her. Sometimes we get fed up and wonder why she acts the way she does. But each time we have hope she'll pull herself out of this lifetime slump because of her abandonment issues. She's used to being disappointed, so it's become really hard for her to accept anything really great in her life. I'm sure I wasn't the only one who almost lost their lunch when the dude who provoked the bear showed how you could see right through his hand. His rebound wife had piece of her scalp hanging off. This episode was definitely messy for a reason. It was one: to boost ratings, two: to reflect the turmoil going on inside of Meredith. I enjoy the therapy sessions on Grey's. When Derek and Addison went to marriage counseling that was classic. Meredith's therapy has been a little different. Love that Nemo fishtank BTW. And doesn't her therapist look a little like her dead stepmom? And why is it everybody has perfect timing at the hospital to show up just when you reveal something embarrassing and private? I think therapy just might help her. Because talking to Yang doesn't seem to really do the trick. She expresses only half of the truth and Yang doesn't offer enough constructive support. Meredith needs a professional.
So if Meredith can get over the side effects of her past with Derek and the twisted family dynamic with her mom and dad, then maybe she can make a new start for herself. She can win Derek back and there could be wedding bells by the end of the season. With the end near by 4 episodes we can expect something good. Last season was pretty big to top. George failed his boards. Burke surprised us by leaving Christina at the alter when we were sure she would be the one to bolt. Callie was named chief resident, which has finally been remedied. George and Izzy slept together. It was a mess last season. I am hopeful that the end of this season will be about rebuilding a little bit of what was in the emotional fire.
That's it for now. Peace, Love, & Grey's.
Related stories: Some extra literature if you're interested. One article talks about the similarities in this episode with some of what went on in "House." If you like both show, that might be of interest.
And if you live in Canada? Lol.
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