Friday, May 9, 2008


First off, I must apologize to you. I read the writer's blog and was thoroughly satisfied with their insight, so I kind of blanked when it came to my own assumptions. So I am sorry to keep you in suspense. If you weren't eagerly awaiting this post, hopefully you still enjoy what lies ahead. 

Addy, where art thou?

This episode was a return to form. We had been missing that eclectic mix that Addison brought to Seattle Grace. Let's shake things up, let's throw a few things into the pot. It's no wonder I missed her so much. I forgot how integral to our little fishbowl of doctors. Much like the rest of us, she must be wondering, "What the hell is going on at Seattle Grace Hospital?" She comes back all leggy and fabulous of course, filled with questions, commentary, and great hair. She always looks good. The red really suits her. If ever there were a seminar on how to be a doctor with style, she'd be teaching it. Of course, that's to say real doctors sometimes just don't have the time. But I think it matters not just with doctors, but appearance is of value in every avenue of employment. What you can't fix with surgery, you can surely dress up with the right colors, cuts, and clothing. Style is not a monetary thing anymore. There are affordable stylish opportunities out there people. But I digress. Addison is greeted by our Bailey who I think is one of her closer friends. They have a bond if you don't remember. Addison tried help to save Bailey's favorite patient, who had cystic fibrosis. (The guy from American Pie.) Bailey was there when Addy had Poison Oak on her vajayjay. She is the only one, outside of George that Bailey really finds comfort in. I think it's hardest for Bailey because none of the the other doctors are dealing with a family and kids. Why is that? There are no kids in this reality. Only nieces and other peoples babies. Maybe it's a reflection on our white collar society that are cutting out children all together or delaying them in search of career, fulfillment, love, etc. (I'll explore this theory another time.) But Addy really only has two good girlfriend, Bailey and Callie.

The Happy Couple isn't so happy. The first is a great change is visible in Addison when she actually hugs Meredith. The relationship between her ex-husband and the estranged ex-mistress is still awkward, but it's still warmer than usual. But it's better anything that will form between Rose and Addy. However, I will say that I enjoyed the exchange between them in surgery when Addison put her foot in her mouth about the whole Mer/Der situation. Rose was very forthcoming and she has that Grey personality that could possibly make us like her more, but I'm not sold just yet. Meredith and Addison have a complicated relationship because at first Meredith did nothing wrong, she was the wronged woman. But then by the actual end of Addy's marriage to Derek, Meredith knowingly engaged in an affair because he couldn't stop looking at her, she couldn't breathe with him watching her. Then he kept her panties in his pocket. And we know he deflected when she asked for them by just pulling up his pants and continually asking "What does this mean?" But now we're at a shaky juncture in the Mer/Der saga. McDreamy's building a house. Will he get a new McDog? Will Rose inherit Mer's McLife? Will this cause Meredith to finally step up and fight for what she wants, or will she cower and recoil the way she did when Addison showed up? Keep in mind that Addison, however wrong when she came back, was still Derek's wife. He did the honorable thing, the stupid thing, but honorable none the less. Is it because I'm Asian? Since Burke left, Cristina's been exhibiting Denny syndrome. She has not been as professionally pathetic as Izzy, but she's been doubting herself. It's been manifesting itself in her brash relationship with Hahn. She's become a huge glutton for punishment. She's grasping at straws for any sort of mentorship from Hahn. But what she doesn't know Izzy, the comeback kid

Just when you thought she was down for the count, she saves the game. Granted, she was just in the clinic for the day. You thought she couldn't do that much damage, but she managed to turn it around. The chief did say that a couple people would change their specialty and some even drop out of the program. Maybe Izzy will be a different type of doctor? She's definitely got the chops, it's just she needs the confidence and the instincts. I think when she tries to be too hardcore she forgets her patient care, but when she's all about patient care, she's mediocre in her medicine. She needs to find the balance she needs. That quote from Ghandi that Addison gave her, really kicked her into gear. "Be the change you wish to see in the world." I believe in those words. It's a damn good motto. Can't always live up to it. But hey, we can be idealistic without being perfect. To err is human is also a good one. 

Callie's reciting the Vagina Monologues

So she's chicken only as Margaret Cho would say. If there's fish on the menu, which there clearly is,( Some cardiothoracic fish) Callie's not biting. Not a nibble, not a pinch. I didn't really think Callie was into girls. She's just got that female football player vibe. It's easy to see where one might be confused, but who knows. There might be some exploration there. Television is very Gay this month. First Hahn on Grey's and now Eric and Asher on Gossip Girl(which I will be blogging about later, if you enjoy that show, check back.)

Bailey's home is broken
Just when I thought she was back, she's really broken. She's doing the single mom thing, but she seems to be strong. I know that can only last for so long. She's gonna crack one of these days. She really needs someone. George is, well George. 
I like this little relationship between him and Lexi, but I kind of miss the Izzy/George friendship. I mean just because they are broken up doesn't mean they can't be good friends. I never really thought her "love," for him was genuine. I think it was more confusion and heartache speaking. And on George's par, why shouldn't he have sex with the gorgeous blonde? Even though it wrecked his Vegas marriage. I think it was misguided and we are willing to forget it, but they need to move on. I liked their dynamic. "I'm not your sister!" Remember when they had him buying tampons? I loved that episode. The God of Vanity

He's the same. Exactly the same.
She's having his baby--not!
Quite the cliffhanger. We'll discuss it more, next time.

So I know this blog was too late to beat the new episode but I am posting it anyway. I worked on it, so it's being posted. But the next blog will definitely be done this weekend and beat the next episode. School's pushed me back with a lot of work and reading that I have to do. Stay tuned, stay interested. This thing was almost finished too, which is what kind of makes me mad. So it's a little lackluster.

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